Choose a way to pay your premiums. Alternatively, pay easily & safely through Secure Checkout, Cromar’s electronic payment system.

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Welcome to Secure Checkout

Cromar’s electronic payment system, which allows you to pay your contract online by credit or debit card.

By using the payment code of your contract, the system automatically recognizes the company to which it must be paid.

Instant payment using the Secure Checkout service with credit / debit card charge, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Maestro, Diners and by prepaid card. For the use of a debit card, the issuing bank must allow remote billing.

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about your payments?

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Cromar people
who will facilitate your request.

52 ΑΘΑΝΑΣΑΚΟΣ 520x600 1

George Athanasakos

Accounting Department

520x600 1

Spyros Tsoronis

Accounting Department – Collections